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How One Business School in Spain is Creating a New Generation of Entrepreneurs

How One Business School in Spain is Creating a New Generation of Entrepreneurs

An Interview with Marketing Expert, Evangelos Zographos, Head of Studies at Southern Spain’s First English-speaking Business School, Schellhammer Business School

Hashtag Spain, sits down with Mr Evangelos Zographos, Head of Studies at Schellhammer Business School to find out more about its roaring success and the opportunities it has created for a new generation of entrepreneurs. 

H/S: Thank you for your time, Mr Zographos. Please tell us about this exciting institution and buzzing community…

EZ: How do we go about delivering an outstanding academic education and personal development in the fields of Business, Politics, Economics and Psychology at Schellhammer Business School? Well, we start with the person not the process, as every one of our students is an individual and so we try to match what the student wants with what he actually requires and with what we have to offer.

H/S: We understand that SBS is a living organism that has managed to adapt to the fast changing requirements in education, is that so?

EZ: Being a privately owned institution we have enormous flexibility not least in being able to customize all of our programs. The primary focus therefore is to provide the tools they [students] will need to build a solid foundation of business knowledge whilst developing a strong personality. Our aim is to provide what we call “360° education” that covers not only the many existing and new business processes but also includes Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Personal Development and languages. Time Management, Personal Management, Communications and Business Reading & Writing are expanded into Personal Branding, where students literally learn how to promote, and market themselves in a crowded and hypercompetitive jobs market. The end result is a vibrant campus of young, bright passionate about business students and aspiring leaders of future productive enterprises that are able to meet the many challenges that they will face in their future life and business.

How One Business School in Spain is Creating a Buzzing and Vibrant New Generation of Entrepreneurs

H/S: This definitely sounds exciting. So what else can you share about SBS that has made it such a success?

EZ: Free of dogma we encourage exploration of all the current and future global“real” issues – commercial, social, political, economic and ethical – that do and will continue to impact on all businesses, challenging our students to create sustainable and productive solutions. Through our variety of Bachelors, Masters and Executive programs runs a strong entrepreneurial streak that instructs in not only Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation but learning how to spot and leverage Trends & Innovations, globally.

H/S: Which is what explains the success of many of your graduates, I assume?

EZ: These two modules alone have so far resulted in solid Business Plans for potential start-ups in fashion, the personal security industry, mobile apps that solve daily irritating and time consuming tasks, a unique bottled water brand for Africa, games to rival “Candy Crush” and even a web based platform to harness organic farming in Spain.

H/S: What about existing industries and markets?

EZ: Whilst most educational institutions concentrate on and just extoll the virtues and cleverness of large corporations and hold these up as examples to emulate, Schellhammer Business School goes further by spending time and effort to understand the dynamics and peculiarities of one of the most powerful forces in business around the globe, the family Business. We believe, this is where the future of business education needs to focus on. Don’t forget, 90% of all businesses around the world, are family-owned.

H/S: So if you had to sum up in 10 statements, what makes SBS the place to study business, what would they be?

EZ: From 1 to 10 this is what makes Schellhammer Business School different and the only place to study if love business:   1) We are an authentic private Swiss quality Business School, 2) We nurture the individual talents of every student, 3) We teach about business as well as help our students grow as individuals, 4) We have a one year pre-graduate Foundation Program, 5) Extensive 3 year Bachelors of Arts and Bachelors of Business Administration under-graduate programs, 6) A variety of Masters and MBA Programs with desirable specializations, 7) A diverse student and teaching body that includes over 30 nationalities, 8) Personalised teaching and customisable programs, 9) Extensive on and off line library , 10) A young and vibrant student environment on the beautiful Costa del Sol.

H/S: Thank you for your time. This has been an insightful interview. We wish you all the best!
