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Discovering the Best Bank in Spain for Non Residents

If you are a non-resident in Spain, choosing the right bank is crucial for a seamless financial experience in this beautiful country. We understand that navigating the Spanish banking landscape can be challenging, so let’s delve into why selecting the right bank matters, and how it can enhance your expat life.

Why Choosing the Right Bank is Crucial for Non Residents

Selecting the right bank is essential because it can significantly impact your financial transactions, daily life, and overall satisfaction as an expat in Spain. Here’s why we think it’s crucial:

Ease of Financial Transactions

When you choose the right bank, you can expect a smooth and hassle-free experience when managing your finances. Spanish banks differ in terms of the ease of setting up accounts, online banking services, and ATM accessibility. Some banks offer user-friendly mobile apps, while others may have more extensive ATM networks. Depending on your needs, you can opt for a bank that suits your lifestyle, making transactions, and accessing your funds more convenient.

Overcoming Language Barriers

As a non-resident in Spain, you might face language barriers when dealing with local businesses and authorities. Selecting a bank that offers multilingual support can be a game-changer. Whether it’s opening an account, resolving issues, or seeking financial advice, having access to English-speaking staff can make your life much easier. Look for banks that prioritize effective communication and can assist you in your preferred language.

Access to Necessary Financial Products

Different banks offer various financial products and services, such as credit cards, loans, and mortgages. It’s essential to choose a bank that provides the financial products you need as an expat. Some banks may offer special packages tailored to non-residents, including reduced fees and advantageous terms. Carefully consider your financial goals and requirements to ensure you have access to the right products and services.

Top Banks in Spain for Non Residents

Choosing the right bank in Spain as a non-resident is crucial, and here, we provide an overview of some of the top banks that cater to expats like you. These banks offer various services, and understanding their strengths can help you make an informed decision.

BBVA Bank Spain

Overview and History

BBVA Bank, one of Spain’s leading financial institutions, has a rich history dating back to 1857. With a strong presence both in Spain and internationally, BBVA offers a wide range of financial services, making it an excellent choice for non-residents.

Services for Non Residents

BBVA Bank Spain provides a comprehensive suite of services tailored to the needs of non-residents. Whether you need assistance with account setup, online banking, or multilingual customer support, BBVA has you covered. Their commitment to customer satisfaction and their experience in serving international clients make them a solid choice for expats.

Banco Santander

Non-Resident Mundo Account

Banco Santander, a global banking giant, offers the Non-Resident Mundo Account, designed specifically for non-residents in Spain. This account provides easy access to a range of banking services and benefits.

Online Banking Services for Non Residents

Banco Santander excels in providing convenient online banking services for non-residents. You can manage your finances, pay bills, and access your accounts from anywhere in the world. This accessibility ensures that your banking experience is seamless and convenient, even when you’re far from Spain.

Banco Sabadell

Key Account and Its Benefits

Banco Sabadell offers a Key Account, a specialized banking solution for non-residents. This account comes with a host of benefits, including preferential terms on various financial products.

Online and Offline Accessibility for Non Residents

Banco Sabadell understands the importance of accessibility for non-residents. They offer both online and offline access, ensuring that you can manage your finances whether you’re in Spain or abroad. This flexibility makes Banco Sabadell an attractive option for expats.

Bankia Spain

Services and Online Banking Facilities for Non Residents

Bankia Spain is known for its range of services and user-friendly online banking facilities. Non-residents can expect a smooth banking experience with a focus on digital solutions. If you value convenience and efficiency, Bankia Spain is worth considering.

CaixaBank – HolaBank Account

Special Features for Non Residents and International Clients

CaixaBank’s HolaBank Account is designed with non-residents and international clients in mind. This account offers special features such as English-speaking staff, personalized assistance, and access to exclusive events. If you seek a tailored expat banking experience, CaixaBank may be the right choice for you.

Online Banking: A Modern Solution

Online banking has become an integral part of modern life, offering convenience and flexibility that traditional banking can’t match. As a non-resident in Spain, understanding the features and benefits of online bank accounts in the country can greatly enhance your financial experience.

Features of Online Bank Accounts in Spain

Online bank accounts in Spain come with a range of features designed to simplify your financial management. These may include:

  • 24/7 Access: Online banks provide round-the-clock access to your accounts, allowing you to check balances, make transactions, and pay bills at any time, from anywhere in the world.
  • Mobile Apps: Most online banks offer user-friendly mobile apps, enabling you to perform banking tasks conveniently from your smartphone or tablet.
  • Multilingual Support: Many online banks in Spain offer multilingual customer support, making it easier for non-residents to communicate and resolve issues in their preferred language.
  • Online Statements: You can access digital account statements, transaction histories, and documents online, reducing the need for physical paperwork.
  • Security Measures: Online banks prioritize security, implementing advanced encryption and authentication methods to protect your financial information.

Benefits for Non Residents

Non-residents in Spain can reap numerous benefits from using online bank accounts. These advantages include:

  • Ease of Account Setup: Online banks often have straightforward account setup processes, reducing the bureaucratic hurdles non-residents might encounter with traditional banks.
  • Cost Efficiency: Online banks may offer lower fees and more competitive exchange rates, saving you money on international transactions.
  • Global Accessibility: You can manage your finances from anywhere in the world with an internet connection, making it convenient for expats who travel frequently or maintain ties to their home countries.
  • Quick and Efficient Transactions: Online banking allows for speedy fund transfers, bill payments, and other transactions, minimizing delays and paperwork.
  • Personalized Services: Some online banks tailor their services to non-residents, offering specialized assistance and products designed to meet the unique needs of expats.

In summary, online banking in Spain offers a host of features and benefits that make it an attractive choice for non-residents. The convenience, cost-efficiency, and accessibility of online bank accounts can significantly enhance your expat experience.

Comparing the Best Banks for Non Residents

To help you make an informed decision when choosing the best bank as a non-resident in Spain, let’s compare some key factors among different banks, including fee structures, online banking platforms, and customer service.

Fee Structures

When comparing banks, consider the fees associated with various services, including account maintenance, international transfers, and ATM withdrawals. Some banks may offer fee waivers or reduced charges for non-residents, so it’s essential to review and compare these structures to minimize your banking costs.

Online Banking Platforms

Evaluate the online banking platforms offered by different banks. Look for user-friendly interfaces, mobile app functionality, and the ability to perform essential tasks easily. A strong online banking platform can make managing your finances as a non-resident more convenient.

Customer Service and Language Support

Customer service is crucial, especially for non-residents who may encounter language barriers. Choose a bank that provides efficient and multilingual customer support. Having access to English-speaking staff and responsive assistance can greatly improve your banking experience.

Setting Up a Bank Account as a Non-Resident

Setting up a bank account in Spain as a non-resident is a fundamental step in managing your finances while living or staying in the country. Here, we’ll guide you through the process, including the required documentation and the choice between online and in-person account opening.

Required Documentation

To open a bank account in Spain as a non-resident, you will typically need the following documentation:

  • Valid Passport: A valid passport is essential as proof of identity.
  • NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero): Non-residents in Spain are usually required to obtain an NIE, a unique identification number for foreigners. This is a critical document for various transactions, including opening a bank account.
  • Proof of Address: Some banks may request proof of your address in Spain, which can be a rental agreement, utility bill, or a certificate of residence.
  • Proof of Income: Depending on the bank and the type of account you’re opening, you may need to provide proof of income or financial stability.
  • Residence Certificate: Some banks may request a certificate of residence, which can be obtained from the local police or town hall.

Online Vs In-Person Account Opening

You have the option to open a bank account in Spain either online or in-person. Each method has its advantages:

Online Account Opening

Online account opening is convenient and can often be done from anywhere in the world. It’s an excellent option if you prefer to handle your banking affairs remotely. However, keep in mind that you may still need to visit a branch in Spain to finalize the process and provide physical documents.

In-Person Account Opening

Opening an account in-person allows for face-to-face interaction with bank representatives, which can be helpful, especially if you have specific questions or concerns. In-person account opening may also expedite the process of obtaining your NIE if you haven’t already.

In conclusion, setting up a bank account as a non-resident in Spain requires specific documentation, including a passport, NIE, proof of address, and potentially proof of income. You have the option to open your account online or in-person, depending on your preference and circumstances. Now that you understand the requirements and choices, you can proceed with confidence in selecting the right bank and account type for your needs.

Other Noteworthy Banks

In addition to the previously mentioned banks, several other institutions cater to non-residents in Spain, offering unique features and services. Let’s take a look at a few of these noteworthy options.


Bankinter is known for its personalized approach to banking. They offer tailored financial solutions, including investment services, for non-residents. Bankinter is an excellent choice if you seek a bank that can provide comprehensive financial planning and guidance.


Revolut is a digital banking platform that has gained popularity for its flexibility and international currency services. While not a traditional bank, Revolut allows you to hold multiple currencies in one account and offers competitive exchange rates, making it an attractive option for non-residents with international financial needs.


N26, previously mentioned, is a digital bank known for its simplicity and modern features. It’s a great choice for tech-savvy non-residents who value the convenience of mobile banking and efficient account management.

In conclusion, Bankinter, Revolut, and N26 are additional banking options worth considering as non-residents in Spain. Each of these banks offers unique benefits, so explore their features to find the one that aligns best with your financial goals and preferences.

Also Related

In addition to the essential information about setting up a bank account, choosing the right bank, and understanding online banking in Spain, there are other related topics that can be valuable for non-residents. Here, we address Spanish banking regulations, international money transfers, credit and debit card usage, and frequently asked questions.

Spanish Banking Regulations

Understanding Spanish banking regulations is essential for non-residents. These regulations dictate how banks operate, handle transactions, and ensure the safety of your funds. Familiarize yourself with the legal framework to make informed financial decisions.

International Money Transfers

Non-residents often require international money transfer services to send funds to and from their home countries. Learn about the options available, including bank transfers, money transfer companies, and their associated fees and exchange rates.

Credit and Debit Card Usage in Spain

Credit and debit cards are widely accepted in Spain, but it’s important to know how they work, potential fees, and any currency conversion costs. Ensure you’re informed about using cards for your day-to-day expenses.


Here are some frequently asked questions that can provide clarity on common concerns for non-residents opening bank accounts in Spain.

What is the process of opening a bank account in Spain as a non-resident?

The process typically involves providing necessary documentation, such as a passport, NIE, proof of address, and possibly proof of income. You can open an account online or in-person, depending on your preference and the bank’s policies.

Can I manage my Spanish bank account online in English?

Many banks in Spain offer online banking services in English or other languages to cater to non-residents. Ensure to check if your preferred bank provides this feature during the account opening process.

What are the typical banking fees for non-residents in Spain?

Banking fees can vary among banks and account types. Common fees include account maintenance charges, transaction fees, and currency conversion fees for international transfers. Review the fee structures of different banks to find the most cost-effective option for your needs.

Which bank offers the best exchange rates for currency conversion?

Exchange rates can significantly impact the cost of international transactions. Some banks offer competitive exchange rates, while others may have higher markups. Research and compare the exchange rate policies of different banks to find the best option for currency conversion.

In conclusion, these related topics and frequently asked questions provide a comprehensive understanding of banking in Spain as a non-resident. By familiarizing yourself with Spanish banking regulations, international money transfers, card usage, and addressing common queries, you can navigate the financial landscape with confidence during your stay in Spain.
