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19 Things I Have Gained From My MBA At Schellhammer Business School in Marbella

I am about to complete my MBA at MU Schellhammer Business School.

Reflecting on the past year I realize how much I have changed and how much I have learnt here.

If you are thinking of getting an MBA, take a look at what I gained from my time here.

1. Diplomatic behavior and fine language
2. Time management skills
3. Awareness of the society today
4. An open minded view of the economy and the control of governments today
5. Skills in managing a negotiation
6. Knowledge about Asian culture
7. Full picture of the Media and how PR operates
8. Knowledge and understanding of managing our ‘inner screen’
9. Self confidence and self awareness of individual choices
10. Managing my personal development
11. Detailed understanding of the economy, politics, society and technology today
12. Awareness and knowledge of the effects of globalisation, pollution, contamination
13. Awareness of the mad / complicated / complex / self-insufficient society today
14. Key elements to our (society’s) survival
15. Understanding the current state of the economies around the world
16. Communication skills and self-control when talking in public
17. Multi language skills, perfecting my Spanish and learning Chinese
18. How to be sustainable and cut costs in a daily life schedule / routine
19. Relevant support from professionals in starting my own business
